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Evaluating parents' experiences of outpatient genomic testing in usual paediatric care

Brief Description:

Paediatric medical specialists including nephrologists can now order funded genomic tests for children with certain clinical presentations. This change aims to help more families receive timely, accurate diagnoses more quickly as they can access testing without having to have an appointment with a clinical genetics service first. My PhD is finding out about the support families need when genomic testing is delivered by paediatric specialists like nephrologists. We want to develop ways of measuring this so health services can know if they are doing a good job. This work will ultimately help health systems enhance the care families receive when genomic testing is indicated.

Type of research:

Patient experience research
Student Project

Your time commitment:


Consumers re-imbursed?

Incentive / voucher for participation

Parents are offered a $30 gift voucher as a token of appreciation for participating in the interview study.

Who are researchers looking for?

Family / carer

Contact for more info:

Email: [email protected]

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