Jasmyn is not your typical teenager. When she was just 12, she was diagnosed with end stage renal failure — and had to start dialysis.
Jasmyn has many interests and hobbies. She loves make-up, shopping and anything coloured pink. She also loves crystals and drawing.
But Jasmyn is also not your typical teenager. When she was just 12, she was diagnosed with end stage renal failure — and had to start dialysis.
Just before she turned 13, Jasmyn was told she could have a kidney transplant, but unfortunately things did not go to plan. A further diagnosis indicated a rare type of genetic kidney disease, which resulted in the failure of her transplanted kidney. Jasmyn had to restart dialysis.
Coping with kidney disease as a teenager is particularly challenging, especially when all you want to do is fit in with everyone else.
That’s why the national Kidney Kids Camp is such a special program for kids and teenagers like Jasmyn, and your help has made it happen.
“I tried to keep it very private; I didn’t have much peer support. When my peers found out I was bullied a lot. My close friends always supported me and so did my family, but it was hard. I felt like no one else understood the pain.
The camp made a big difference. It was so good to talk to other kids going through similar things.”