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#nofilter Campaign Resources

You can support our #nofilter campaign by spreading the message far and wide.

A mother and two daughters at a cafe with text overlay: This is life without Shane #nofilter

We are calling on all our kidney community – from our partners in the chronic disease community to our fantastic frontline clinical community, to our courageous kidney consumers who manage life with kidney disease every day – to help promote and share this campaign so we can save and protect more lives.

While the campaign has a sombre message, it also offers hope because we know that caught early enough, the progression of kidney disease can be delayed or even halted. Another reason to share this message with as many of the Australian community as possible.

Once people take the risk test, depending on their result, they will be given guidance on the next steps. In most cases, it will be to seek a simple Kidney Health Check from their GP. We provide them with a conversation aid to help them have a discussion with their GP.

What you can do:

  1. Support our posts by sharing them within your own personal or professional network. And if you are living with, or caring for someone, with kidney disease, share your own experiences by creating your own using the hashtags #nofilter #lifewithnofilter #kidneydisease #earlydetection as well as the link to the Kidney Risk Test.
  2. Encourage your friends, family, colleagues, and anyone else in your network to check their risk at

Together, we can prevent kidney disease from taking over someone’s life.

Download our Early Detection Poster Download our Early Detection Brochure