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Travel and kidney disease

Travelling with kidney disease is possible with careful planning. Read our advice for those in early, middle and end stages.

A man and woman embrace inside a hanging seat attached to a palm tree

Travel and kidney disease

Travelling is something you can still enjoy when you have kidney disease. Before heading off, you will need to discuss your travel arrangements with your healthcare team. The level of planning required will depend on your stage of kidney disease, and whether you are currently having dialysis or not.

No matter where you are in your kidney disease journey, it’s important to avoid getting sick and risking dehydration while on holidays. If you’re unsure of the water quality in certain countries, it's best not to order any drinks with ice, and where possible purchase bottled water – or boil tap water for at least five minutes before drinking. Do not brush your teeth or wash your food with tap water either.

As always, practise good hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water after going to the toilet, and ensure your hands are clean and dry before eating or preparing any food.

Dialysis, transplants, travel and insurance

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